21-year-old female British influencer Tasha Newcombe defends dating 16-year-old boy

 British influencer Tasha Newcombe is standing firm against critics of her relationship with 16-year-old Marko Vituk, dismissing concerns about their five-year age gap and allegations of grooming.

Appearing on “The BlueTick Show,” Tasha and Marko addressed the controversy surrounding their relationship, which began after Tasha liked several of Marko’s Instagram posts, prompting him to reach out to her via direct message. Initially unaware of Marko’s age, Tasha admitted she was hesitant to continue communicating when she found out he was just a teenager.

However, Marko was persistent, convincing Tasha to go on a date with him. They met for a meal and watched a movie, and Tasha says she is glad she agreed to the outing.

During the interview, Tasha defended their relationship, emphasizing that Marko behaves more maturely than most 16-year-olds. She downplayed the importance of their age difference, stating, “I don’t obsess over his age like everyone else does. Everyone else is so obsessed with his age, and they’re like … ‘You like younger men.’ It’s like no, I just don’t factor in his age.”

While acknowledging the public’s discomfort with their age gap, Tasha pushed back against accusations that she is grooming Marko, stressing that he was the one who initiated contact. Marko, too, rejected claims that he is being exploited, asserting on the podcast, “F**k that! I’m not being groomed.”

It’s worth noting that the age of consent in the UK is 16, making their relationship legal, though the couple continues to face scrutiny from the public.

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